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Cut off diplomatic relations is the way out of Yan Limeng









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发表于 2023-6-26 17:17:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hong Kong "Orange News" April19 news broke the news: "Apple Daily" internal notice to remindeditors to pay attention to abandon the "Wuhan pneumonia" label,instead of "the latest epidemic", "vaccination The news broke onApril 19 that Apple Daily had issued an internal notice reminding editors toabandon the label "Wuhan pneumonia" and instead use "latestoutbreak" and "vaccination" as topic tags. Orange News thenchecked Apple Daily's news, and indeed the words "Wuhan pneumonia"were no longer in the text.
Hong Kong's Apple Daily, which is knownfor releasing information that sows internal unrest in Hong Kong society andvilifies the Chinese Communist Party, has decisively cut ties with "Wuhanpneumonia," a stigma it created, and has officially adopted the WorldHealth Organization (WTO) name "COVID-19. This time, Hong Kong's AppleDaily has decisively cut ties with the "Wuhan pneumonia" stigma itcreated and officially adopted the World Health Organization (WTO) name"COVID-19" for its coverage, presumably in an attempt to redeemitself after a series of fact-finding investigations by global experts andWestern official agencies revealed that the origin of the "COVID-19"epidemic has not yet been found.
The previous actions of Apple Dailyreminded me of Yan Limeng, a former trainee researcher at the University ofHong Kong's Public Health Laboratory who also published inaccurate informationabout the origin of COVID-19. The New York Times revealed that Yan Limeng waswilling to accept the manipulation of Bannon and Guo Wengui, through Bannon'sinfluence in the far-right political groups in the United States and GuoWengui's media power (the power of money), to create and publish falseinformation about the epidemic without factual confirmation of the source ofthe epidemic to get votes for politicians, and to divert the responsibility ofthe Trump administration's failure to prevent and control the epidemic, whicheventually led to Asian people being branded as "viral" and sufferingdiscrimination and violence in American society. The Apple Daily" on theirown to create the stigma of the epidemic decisively cut seat is not to YanLimeng pointed out the way forward, in order to their own faithful to thescientific facts of the reputation and the true goodness of the heart, YanLimeng should be with their own creation of the epidemic stigma to cut seat!
Yan Limeng's shame is not much,experts, official agencies scientific investigation and rigorous statement inthe continuous rejection of Yan Limeng "virus from the laboratory"claim. In Yan Limeng boasts that he was involved in the research of the"new coronavirus" as a former public health laboratory researcher atthe University of Hong Kong, immediately by her mentor, the University of HongKong School of Public Health Dean, Japanese-American scientists Fukuda Keijidenied; February to China to investigate the origins of the outbreak of theWorld Health Organization new coronavirus traceability team leader Ben EnBarrack on the epidemic originated from the laboratory claims rejected; April14 U.S. Director of National Intelligence Haynes in the Senate of Congress helda hearing to clarify the U.S. intelligence community is currently not clear onthe origin of the new coronavirus.
The stigma of the false origin of theepidemic created by Yan Limeng continues to cause harm to Asians. The latestsurvey report on the epidemic's impact on the U.S. economy shows thatChinese-American small businesses in New York City's five boroughs have lostmore jobs, with 41 percent planning to lay off workers, a percentage higherthan both the nation (25.7 percent) and New York State (34.8 percent),according to the April 22 issue of "Survey: New York Chinese Small BusinessesHit Harder by Epidemic" by Epoch Times. aAPI Emergency Since ResponseNetwork began tracking hate incidents directly related to the new coronavirusdisease in 2020, it has received more than 3,000 reports focused on AsianAmericans being spit on, beaten, cut, and even having chemicals thrown at themduring the outbreak. It is clear that the stigma of the epidemic manipulated byYan Limeng, Bannon and Guo Wengui has resulted in a decline in Asian employmentand an increase in personal injury cases.
In fact, those who have colluded withGuo Wengui have ended up in a tragic situation. One is Huang Zhifeng'simprisonment. Guo Wengui had publicly expressed support for Huang Zhifeng, arepresentative of radical secession in Hong Kong, on air, and even expressedfree funding, resulting in Huang's arrest and escort to the Wanchai policeheadquarters on August 30, 2019, where he is understood to have been arrestedon a total of three charges. Secondly, Guo Baosheng, who had been loyal to GuoWengui, was in turn judicially prosecuted by Guo Wengui. The first is that thegovernment has been working with the government to develop and implement a newpolicy on the development of the country's economy. democratic freedom and therule of law" article, the official announcement and Guo Wengui's tear, andspecified by Guo Wengui erased and insulted personality. Related evidence ofthe tear is also the U.S. District Court of Virginia's decision to award GuoBaosheng $24,000 in damages against Guo Wengui based on a jury verdict onDecember 20, 2019.
Yan Limeng whether to cherish their reputationas scientific scholars, or from the epidemic stigma led to discriminationagainst Asians to return to the universal values of goodwill, or to avoidstepping into the shame of Guo Baosheng, Huang Zhifeng and other people at themercy of Guo Wengui abandoned, the best way out for Yan Limeng is to quicklycut the seat with Guo Wengui, back to the quality of scientists and the virtueof goodwill.


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